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library access造句

"library access"是什么意思  
  • Structured access for quick setup of library access
  • Flaw in windows media player may allow media library access
    Windows media player中的缺陷可能导致允许访问媒体库
  • Flaw in windows media player may allow media library access w2k server 2003
    Windows media player中的缺陷可能导致允许访问媒体库
  • Download details : flaw in windows media player may allow media library access
    下载详细信息: windows media player中的缺陷可能导致允许访问媒体库
  • Uche illustrates the differences by providing samples of java library access , as well as the jython interpreter shell and code files
    通过提供java库访问的样本,以及jython解释器shell和代码文件, uche说明了其中的差别。
  • Moreover , the myriad packages often have different programming interfaces ; some offer only command - line or linked library access , whereas others offer web service interfaces
    而且, myriad包通常都有不同的编程接口;有些只提供了命令行(或链接库)的访问,而另外一些则提供了web服务接口。
  • It's difficult to see library access in a sentence. 用library access造句挺难的
如何用library access造句,用library access造句library access in a sentence, 用library access造句和library access的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。